This is My Speech Text when I was be a contestant of English Speech Contest in STAIN Cirebon on 18th-23rd February 2008.In that time, my topic is about drugs, Dede’s topic is global warming and Wawan’s topic is rubbish.
Below this is my speech text.......
The Honorable The Head of English Department.
The Honorable all of The Lecturers in English Department.
The Honorable all of The Judges of this English Competition.
The Honorable all of The Teachers.
And Dear Brothers and Sisters.
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
First of all, let’s praise to our God, Allah SWT, The lord of the universe and who has given us the blessing, so we can stay here together in this English Speech Contest. Shalawat and salam be with our prophet Muhammad SAW, who helped us from the darkness and not forget I say thanks to Master of Ceremony, who has given me the opportunity to deliver my speech and thanks to my family, my teachers and my friends, who has given me the spirit. Until I can standing in here. Well, I will begin my speech about “Drugs”. In my speech, I will try to tell about drugs and it’s problem use 5W+1H Question pattern.
Dear Brothers and Sisters
The first question is “What”.
What is drug, what is using and what is the effect of drug?. Drugs is one of psicotropica essence, we know it can destroy our centre brain. It is very dangerous and can shatter our future. There are many kinds of drugs such as marijuana, hemp plants, heroin, extacy and etc. In the beginning, drugs use for medicine especially as shooter and calm medicine, but several person misuse it. Nowadays the most people have been drugs victim because they excite by the drugs enchantment, which is give them imagine, give them everything that they want. Actually drugs is the terrifying devil that will make our life like in the hell.
The second question is ”Why”.
Why drug dangerous for out life?. As I tell before, actually drug is not dangerous thing, because the sikness person using it, but it can be harmfull thing when the people misuse it, so in this case the function of drugs changes from medicine become poison. The most dangerous effect of drugs, it will bring our life become death. Will we be death by drugs? Of course Not, so to avoid this drugs please “SAY NO TO DRUGS, NO MERCY TO DRUGS”.
The third and fourth question are “Who and When”.
Who is become the drugs victim and when is someone susceptible be drug victim?. If you ask “who” the answer is everybody. Everybody can be drugs victim younger and older. Take note here, the younger or teenagers are very easy become violent of drugs. As we know, the teenagers are the first step for someone to be the realman in the future. We also know, the teenagers time are the first era for someone to find the new things. All of them are influenced by some factors. One of them is related to the environment around them if we have known this condition, we must be aware that the teenagers need a lot of attention from the people around them, like the teachers at school or their parents at home, this time the role of parents is very need by their children. If parents didn’t keep their children with good or right way. So may be their children can be a violent of drugs because lack of attention from them. Beside family factor, there are some another factor such as friendship. It cause someone be a violent of drugs is free life and feel friendship. If they go down to free life so they will try and meet free sex and drugs. In this time someone will bring become a user.
The fifth question is “Where”.
Where do people who become drugs victim live?. Where? What do you know where? Of course, they live around us. They diffuse like the other people, but we don’t know about them, whereas they live near with our self, near with our house, near with our school, near with our circles. They are very near. The characteristic of drugs victim for examples easy to get angry, get unknown newfriends and the real of characteristic is they consumpt drugs.
The sixth question is “How”.
How to prevent drugs especially for us as students and for them who have be a violent of drugs?. Firstly for us as students; we as a student must select friends. In order we don’t fall in to the free life. Today, everything can be happen. We often hear there are many students become violent of drugs. It is very worried and regret. I think there are many ways to prevent drugs abuse among students. For examples follow many school activities such as extracuriculier, follow religion activities and avoid free life. By follow those activities I think the students can be avoid from the danger of the drugs and it is better if the government gives guidance and counseling about drugs in every school. So student know about the danger of drugs, but the important thing to us as a student should realize and have a fortress not to be a violent of drugs. Secondly, for them who have be a violent of drugs. I think way very endowed is with way don’t avoid them, keep them near. Because they also like us. They need attention from us, they want feel normal life without different life. So give them attention and spirit, in order back to right way and give them trust tell them that everyone ever do mistake. Brothers and Sisters I conclude SAY NO TO DRUGS.
Finally, I would like to convey my highest appreciation and heartfelt thank to the judges, participans and audience in this english competition. Ask forgiveness if I have a mistake and before I close my speech, please follow me say together “say no to drugs and say yes to study”. Please repeat. Ok, thank you for your attention.
Wabilahi taufik walhidayah,
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Well, that is my english speech text, I hope this text can usefull. Because on behind the text save a best experience in my life. Thank you if you have read my speech.
Tips membuat dan berpidato english speech from Noerz:
* Firstly buatlah tema speech yang akan kamu buat
* Cari bahan atau materi untuk isi your speech
* Setelah terkumpul, coba buatlah kerangka speech-nya
* Rangkailah kerangka tersebut menjadi satu paragraf dengan pertama-tama menggunakan bahasa Indonesia
* Translate isi speech ke English, bisa pake kamus atau transtool
* Mintalah bantuan gurumu atau temanmu yang pintar english untuk mengecek susunan kalimat english yang kamu buat apakah udah benar atau belum
* Setelah dirasa benar, buatlah speech tersebut dalam susunan yang benar yakni use opening and closing
* Susunan speech yang benar adalah opening, isi and closing. Kalau udah mememenuhi tulis ulang speech dengan tulisan yang bagus
* Hafalin speech tersebut word by word.
* Hafalin sambil dipahami maksud dari speech yang kamu buat, kamu juga harus ngerti arti kata dari kata yang kamu baca
* Hafalin sampai kamu paham betul dan hafal kata-katanya di luar kepala
* Coba praktikin speechnya di depan kaca yang ada di kamar kamu, ingat pakai gaya bahasa n ekpresi yang sesuai isi speech
* Khusus untuk anak SMKN 3 Kuningan, pas di panggil guru english pada hari senin bersifatlah calm
* Maju perlahan ke mimbar speech, ingat tenang za kan kamu dah hafal diluar kepala
* Jangan hiraukan riuh gempita anak-anak lain, bersikaplah seolah-olah tidak ada siapa-siapa di sekelilingmu
* Mulailah berpidato, ingat gunakan gaya bahasa dan ekspresi yang sesuai, anggap kamu lagi speech di depan kaca di kamar kamu, fokus dan jangan tegang
* Tanpa kerasa kamu kan ada di akhir speech kamu, ingat came down za jangan berpidato terburu-buru
* Buatlah pidatomu menarik artinya bisa menarik perhatian orang tapi kamu jangan tegang
* di jamin akhir speech kamu bakal dapat tepuk tangan dari anak-anak
* Kembali ke tempat awal dengan tebar senyum dan perasaan lega
1. Procedure Text (Process)
Generic structure
* Tittle
* Classification or definition
* Description of features in order of importance
* List of materials (optional)
* Series of steps sequenced in logical order
Fungsi sosiakultural teks prosedur :
- Memberi intruksi
- Memberikan peringatan
- Menyatakan urutan temporal
Untuk intruksi dan peringatan, fitur tata bahasa yang sering digunakan adalah kata kerja Imperative.
Untuk urutan temporal digunakan sequences seperti : first, next, then, finally.
Terkadang Text prosedur dilengkapi dengan diagram, flow chart atau ilustrasi.
Tenses yang digunakan adalah Present Tense
2. Descriptive Text
Tujuan text deskriptif adlah untuk memberi informasi.
- Generic Structure
* Classification or definition
* Description of features in order of importance
Kosakata yang sering digunakan dalam teks Deskriptif adlah kata-kata yang berkaitan dengan nama-nama tempat : lokasi, tujuan, kegunaan, tampilan dan bukti-bukti masa sekarang kalau diperlukan (untuk bangunan).
Teks Deskriptif sering menggunakan salah satu bentuk be : present maupun past dan salah satu bentuk have.
Tenses yang sering dipakai adalah Present Tense
Fungsi bahasa yang sering digunakan beserta tata bahasa dan kosakatanya adalah :
* Defining : a/the...was a...
* Describing features (properties) : adjectives
* Expressing cause and effect : because, so, as a result.
Teks deskriptif sering dilengkapi dengan foto, diagram, peta, dll.
3. Narative Text
Tujuan mendasar dari bercerita adalah untuk menghibur.
Biasanya teks bersifat imagines tetapi terkadang bisa juga faktual.
Jenis-jenis cerita narative antara lain : dongeng (fairy stories), mistery, Science fiction, roman, horror, etc.
Generic Structure
* Orientation : diperkenalkan tokoh-tokoh dalam cerita, disebutkan juga kapan dan dimana cerita ini terjadi.
* Complication : membuat cerita lebih menarik karena si tokoh utama terhalang untuk mencapai tujuannya semula.
Komplikasi adalah cermin kehidupan nyata
* Resulution : penyelesaian pada komplikasi
Ciri-ciri khas Narative
- Partisipan yang specific dan sering individual
- Banyak action verb
- Biasanya menggunakan Past Tense
- Banyak menggunakan linking words yang berkenaan dengan waktu
- Sering memasukkan dialog dan tense akan mungkin berubah
- Descriptive Language digunakan untuk menciptakan imajinasi di benak pembaca
- Dapat ditulis sebagai orang pertama (I) atau ketiga (He, She, They)
Fungsi-fungsi sosial dan tata bahasa serta kosakata yang terkait dalam tekas naratif adalah :
- Decribing characteristic, appearance : adjectives
- Expressing time : in the beginning, one day, soon.
- Expressing sequence : Firstly, secondly, next, after, before.
- Expressing cause and effect : so, therefore.
Ciri lain yang penting untuk teks Naratif adalah
- Penggunaan direct speech
- ilustrasi untuk mendukung teks
4. Recount Text
Fungsi sosial dari teks recount adalah menceritakan kembali kejadian atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada waktu lampau .
Tujuannya bisa hanya sekedar memberitahukan, tetapi bisa juga menghibur (entertain).
Tiga type teks recount
1. Personal Recount
2. Factual Recount
3. Imaginative Recount
1. Personal Recount adalah paparan tentang suatu kegiatan dimana penulis melakukannya sendiri. Contohnya kejadian-kejadian lucu sehari-hari, masukan dalam buku harian.
2. Factual Recount merupakan catatan tentang suatu kejadian, misalnya laporan percobaan Ilmiah, laporan polisi, penjelasan sejarah, dsb.
3. Imaginative Recount adalah suatu cerita kejadian yang tidak nyata, misalnya bacaan-bacaan untuk pelajaran bahasa, cerita tentang kehidupan seorang budak,dsb.
Recount sering digunakan dalam :
* Jurnal
* Buku Harian
* Surat Pribadi
* Biografi/autobiografi
* Laporan perjalanan, polisi, olahraga
* Sejarah
Generic Structure
Teks Recount biasanya memiliki 3 unsur utama;
1. Orientation : giving the reader the background information needed to understand the text (who was involved, where it happened, when it happened).
2. Series of events : ordered in a chronological sequence. When, then, after that, next.
3. Re-orientation : (optional element) – tidak selalu ada
Tenses yang digunakan adalah Past Tense
5. Anecdote Text
Anekdot pada dasarnya adalah menceritakan kejadian di waktu lampau, yang tidak biasa, lucu dan mengibur.
Generic Structure
- Abstract : signals the retelling of an unusual incident
- Orientation : sets the scene
- Crisis : provides details of or unusual incident
- Reaction : reaction to crisis (incident)
- Coda : optional – reflection on or evaluation of the incident
Tenses yang digunakan adalah Past Tense
6. Report Text
Konteks sosial yang menggunakan jenis teks report adalah :
- tektbooks
- encyclopedias
- Scientific magazines
- historical texts
- government reports
- factual reading books
- reference books
- classroom lessons
- environment programs
- television documentaries
- magazines and newspaper articles
- science programs on media
- local information texts about health services
- information about important issues
- etc
Generic Structure
Jenis teks report memiliki 2 unsur
1. General classification : tells what the phenomena under discussion is (can also begin with definition).
2. Description : Tells what the phenomena under discussion is like in term of
- parts (and their function)
- qualities
- habit or behaviors , if, living; uses, if non-natural. (description of features/description of subtopics)
Kegunaan Report Text:
- To provide factual information
- Natural and non-natural phenomena
- Whole class of things
- To classify
- To describe
The Difference between Report and a description
· Information reports classify and describe the phenomena of our world. We use them when we talk about a whole class of things.
· A description describes a particular person, place or thing.
Significant lexicogrammatical features
- Focus on generic participants (groups of things)
- Use of simple present tense
- Non temporal sequence
- Use of “being” and “having” processes
- Technical vocabulary